
Sarah, 38, had worked in the legal industry for what seemed like ‘forever’ (her words!). Yet when she looked back at her career path, she was a little unsure of how she had gotten to where she was. She knew she had achieved and was recognised as high potential and set to soar to even higher sights, yet the thought of that made her heart sink. She didn’t feel passionate about her career anymore. She didn’t feel fulfilled and she felt like she was trapped on a career path that had been set for someone else: fundamentally she felt like an imposter!

Sarah found some of my articles and posts on Linked In about finding your Purpose and doing what you love. She watched from the side-lines for a while and then reached out. She booked a discovery call, and the rest is history!

Coaching Solution:

After our discovery call and exploration of her goals and recommended coaching solutions, Sarah was keen to sign up for my one to one 12 week programme called ‘Revive and Redefine’. This was the perfect fit for her as she wanted to work on her Purpose, Mindset and goals and liked the idea of having workbooks and 1:2:1 coaching as a complete package.


Sarah’s goals were very specific to wanting to exit her career and find out what she wanted to do with her future. She wanted to leave within 12 months and start doing something that she was passionate about again; yet she didn’t know where to start!




After only 12 weeks, Sarah now has a firm idea of her goals for the next 6-24 months

She has identified a new career direction that maximises her strengths and experience, but is led by her passions and what she wants to do with her life; she has found her ‘Ikigai’.

She has handed her notice in to her current role (6 months earlier than she anticipated!) and is in the process of setting up her own business

She has reframed old stories, beliefs, and habits to create new healthier ones that work ‘for her’ not against her.

She has increased her confidence and belief that she now is on the right path in her life and has genuine excitement about her ongoing chapters (see her testimonial!)


I’ve worked with Kate on her Revive & Redefine programme over the last 3 months (2019) and all I can say is that it has been life-changing for me. It sounds cliché but when you are re-defining your Purpose, that’s what it feels like. I wouldn’t have had the time or space to focus on moving forwards on my own; especially how frantically busy I was making myself in my career, and how big a topic it felt! The structure of the programme, and Kate’s ability to bespoke the experience for me through our coaching sessions and boost calls has meant that I have gotten so much value in such a short space of time!  I’m now set on my new course and a new chapter and I am not looking back! I feel like ‘Me’, but a more purposeful and better version. I feel more confident, assured and happy. I feel alive again and genuinely excited about my plans for the future!’

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