Reviving purpose, potential and success
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Don’t Wait Until You’ve Finished Climbing To Realise You’re On The Wrong Ladder



Another pay increase, a fancier job title, the office with your name on the door.

To anybody watching, your life looks pretty damn great.

So why does work feel like such a chore? Instead of jumping out of bed in the morning, you dread the sound of the alarm.

Success doesn’t always equal happiness. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Sometimes it takes ‘having it all’ to realise that you wanted something quite different.


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A snappy job title and a healthy income help you live a more comfortable life, but they’re not ingredients for a fulfilled life.

Us high achievers are experts at constantly outdoing ourselves, but not so great at taking a step back to reflect and reassess why we’re even doing it.



When you’ve made it this far, change feels like 10 steps backwards. You’ve worked hard to get here, why would you throw it all away? But you can’t stay in this space, either.

You feel entirely stuck between the unknown and the unfulfilled.

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Mother, recovering perfectionist, former teacher and corporate high achiever turned executive coach.

Having lived life as a card-carrying member of Fear-of-Failure Anonymous since I was a small child, I spent 36 years high achieving my way through all the things I thought I was supposed to do.


My CV looked great, but my soul was entirely unfulfilled, and a tendency for perfectionism meant I was forever overworked and exhausted.

It wasn't until I collapsed in a heap due to burnout that I was finally forced into self-reflection and positive change.


The Discovery

I discovered a love and fascination with the human mind. I studied mindfulness, cognitive behaviour therapy and completed a certificate in counselling.

I already knew I found great joy in connecting with others and helping them to develop and grow.

Combining this with my newfound passion, I strolled (sometimes ran) down the path to become a qualified executive coach.


The more I looked around, the more I saw so many other women ‘stuck’ in the same boat,

and I wanted to help.


It’s All About Learning To Shift Your Ikigai


And No,
I’m Not Referring To Getting Rid Of Some Icky Guy You’d Rather Not Talk To.



is a Japanese term for finding your true purpose AKA your reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

It’s that sweet spot of getting paid to do what you love.

You can find yours by looking at four important categories; what you love, what you’re good at, what you can be paid for and what the world needs. The intersection where the answers meet is your ikigai.


Throughout your life, as you grow and evolve, your ikigai will shift. It’s totally normal and never too late to revive and redefine.



My coaching practice is centred around finding your ikigai and refocusing your skills and achievements to shift your life accordingly.

So You Can Do What You Love

And Love What You Do

It sure makes getting up in the morning a whole lot easier.
